Weaving Tips and Tricks

Circular Weaving Tutorials

These are a few of my favorite weaving tutorial videos that I have found online. I hope you find helpful with your weaving journeys!

Weaving Circles

YouTube Channel - SweetGeorgia - Felicia Lo Wong (14:18m)

This video is great from start to finish, but if you want to hop to the specifics of adding the yarn and beginning to weave - head over here. Sweet Georgia’s shop is here.

In this tiny tutorial, I wanted to expand upon the skills that we learned in the Frame Loom Weaving Basics workshop to show you how you can warp a circular frame (in this case, a simple embroidery hoop) and create a handwoven piece. It’s super fun and very easy. Over a day or so, I managed to warp and weave FIVE of these little hoops. They are addictive to weave! - Felicia Lo Wong

Let's weave in the round on a circular metal ring! A fun way to quickly set up a weaving project, without needing all the fancy equipment. On top of that, you can leave your final project in the ring and hang it as is. No need to take it off 'the loom' and do all the work that comes with it.

Create gorgeous texture with cotton string, roving and different kinds of yarn with me. Find a lovely kit in my shop to help you get started with this craft!

Circular Weaving

YouTube Channel - Studio VerSie - Vera (17:24m)

Vera shows the process of wrapping a metal frame, warping, and weaving with all different colors and textures. Hop to this section here to start at the weaving part. They’ve got a cool shop too!